Tongue barbells are one of the most popular types of body jewelry, next only to belly button rings. Though often considered risky, tongue jewelry is actually relatively safe because the tongue has a lower risk of bleeding, and the piercing can easily be stretched to accommodate larger pieces.
However, the type of tongue barbell you choose can greatly affect safety and healing speed. Its important to know the risks of wearing tongue barbells, and how to avoid them. Here are some tips on wearing tongue barbells safely.
Start with a long piece.
Longer barbells will allow room for the initial swelling and minimize the discomfort. When the swelling subsides, switch to a shorter piece to stop the bleeding and keep the damage from spreading to the teeth and gums. After the piercing has healed completely (about four to six weeks), you can experiment other shapes and sizes.
Use non-allergenic materials.
Use only metal or metal-plated jewelry. Plastic can easily gather dirt from food and other items that come into contact with the piercing. The best metals to use are titanium, surgical stainless steel, and gold with least 14-karat purity. Avoid nickel and brass pieces because they can cause allergies and irritation.
Keep it small.
Long bars and large jewels will cause frequent impact against the teeth. This can chip at the tooth enamel over time and increase the risk of gum erosion. If you are using a large initial piece, avoid playing with the tongue barbell to reduce bumping.
Speed up healing.
You can help your piercing heal faster by using an alcohol-free mouthwash. Avoid smoking during the healing period, as the smoke and nicotine can slow down the healing. Have your piercing done by a professional theyll know what spots heal the fastest and may even prescribe a mouthwash and painkiller to minimize discomfort.
For more information on safety of tongue barbells and tongue barbels in general, visit Picky Guide, a product information portal offering thousands of free, unbiased guides for consumers.
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